Mark, I just wanted to let you know that we asked the schools we visited during our anti dog-fouling campaign to fill in a feedback form and I have just finished putting the results together. Out of the 11 schools you visited we managed to get feedback from 8 of them and the feedback was all very positive.
We asked the schools how satisfied they were with the session you did with Nel. The options they had were very satisfied, satisfied, neither, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. All 8 of them said that they were very satisfied with the session you delivered.
We also asked them if they were happy with the content of your session. They had the same options of very satisfied, satisfied, neither, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. All 8 of them said that they were very satisfied with the content of your session.
They also made the following comments about your session:
All the children really enjoyed the session with Mark and Nel and the session also further managed to get the key messages about dog fouling inThe pupils enjoyed the session and gained a lot of informationThose children who were afraid of dogs had the opportunity to overcome their fear. The children’s fears were handled carefully and in a way that expressed having a fear of dogs is actually a healthy fear to haveAll children were told about why they couldn’t approach an unfamiliar dogThe dog was excellent, behaved well with the children and modeled many of the speech’s messagesMark spoke clearly to the children. Afterwards the children were knowledgeable about the problem. Mark had a nice manner with the children and answered questions well and at their levelThe children enjoyed meeting Nel and one little boy who was terrified of dogs ended up being able to stroke herIt was valuable that the children got to meet a dog and its owner which they would not ordinarily get to do I just wanted to thank you again for the sessions you delivered. I also found your session very enjoyable and I think it was very informative for the children. I know the children I spoke to really enjoyed meeting Nel and learning about dogs, their behaviour and how to look after a dog properly.
I hope that we can work together again during our future anti dog-fouling campaigns.
Kind regards,
Rebecca Hill Eco-Schools Officer